The Daji was named after the feared energy based alien conquers who inhabit the Ghost Nebula, along with the Murasaki, the Daji's are often named after sith, Imperials, ancient Murasaki gods or dark side users, examples included 'Fear of Ragnos', 'Bloody Naga', and later during the Invasion of a race of ancient robotic sith conquerors 'Xenji Xhong' the Murasaki-Chiss Alliance used the now outdated Daji to fight back Thrawns human daughter Alice used a Daji Mark II nicknamed the 'Empires Hand' during the battle of the Maw. The Daji can outgun most star destroyers, and its heavy armor and shielding means that most rebel starships and fighters can't penetrate, its size and shape allows most Ion ,Gravity, or Hyper velocity weapons bounce right off. The Murasaki utilized this deadly warship during the clone wars and the years following up to the Battle of Yavin.
The Daji class dreadnought is the spiritual successor, to the ancient sith Harrower class dreadnought, built by the Conclave for use by the Khoan Empire, later the Murasaki Regnant got their hands on a entire fleet of Daji's abandoned by the Khoan after a defeat by the Ashen Federation.